EHS Supervisor(regulatory affairs)/ EHS 主管(J11487)
  • 招聘类别:
  • 社会招聘
  • 工作性质:
  • 全职
  • 薪资范围:
  • 10001-15000 元/月
  • 招聘人数:
  • 1
  • 发布时间:
  • 2021-10-03
  • 截止时间:
  • 工作地点:
  • 广东省-广州市



1. 负责收集、识别原材料安全数据并为工厂制作合规的安全标签,获取并审核进口物料的合规安全数据说明书及GHS标签;

2. 编制所有成品合规的安全数据说明书和安全标签,并维修SAP系统数据,并为出口贸易提供必要的证明文件;

3. 关注化学品管理法规动态,审核发现公司安全数据说明书、GHS标签以及现场化学品管理风险,及时向管理层提出改善建议;

4. 配合西卡集团关于化学管理的审核以及查验;

5. 制定工艺过程中化学品防护及其废弃物处置标准,提供化学品防护及处置相关培训课程;

6. 收集产品相关技术标准,为产品设计提供合格及绿色发展建议。

1. Responsible for collecting and identifying safety data of raw materials, making complied safety labels for factories, obtaining and auditing MSDS and GHS labels of imported materials;

2. Prepare MSDS and GHS label for all finished products, maintain SAP system data, and provide necessary supporting documents for export trade;

3. Pay attention to the change of chemical management regulations, audit MSDS, GHS label and on-site chemical management risks, and suggest improving solutions to the management;

4. Cooperate with Sika group on chemical management audit and inspection;

5. Formulate standards for chemical protection and waste disposal in the process, and provide training courses related to chemical protection and disposal;

6. Collect relevant technical standards of products, and suggest on compliance and green development for products designing.



1. 化学工艺工程设计专业或化学类相关专业本科以上学历

2. 2年以上化工类产品相关工作经验

3. 良好的文件及项目管理能力,熟悉企业管理系统SAP者更佳。

4. 诚实可靠,严格保密产品信息

5. 良好的沟通能力以及较强的跨部门协调能力

6. 英语听说读写流利。

1. Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology or chemical related discipline

2. At least 2 years’ working experience in chemical industry

3. Good documentation and project management skills, be familiar with SAP is preferred.

4. Honest and reliable, be strictly confidential on products information.

5. Good communication skills and cross functional coordination skills

6. Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading and writing.

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